Photography series
to view each complete series please click on its title
(Al-Khalil/Hebron, Palestine; Kassel, Germany, 2016–17)
(Nordhessen, Germany, 2016–17)
(Al-Khalil/Hebron, Palestine, 2016–17)
Ramallah Archive (Palestine, 2014)
Death (Palestine, 2011–12)
Trauma (Corrèze, France, 2008–09)
Dom Dziecka.
The house starves when you are away (Poland, 2008)
The Valley (Arab al-Shibli, Palestine, 2007–08)
Dependence (Barcelona, Spain, 2007)
Arab al-Sbaih (Jordan, 2007)
Eastern LGBT (International, 2004 / 06)
Catastrophe, Halisa (Haifa, Palestine, 2006)
Catastrophe, Berlin (Berlin, Germany, 2006)
Catastrophe, Mt. Tabor (Mt. Tabor, Palestine, 2006)
Market (Torino, Italy, 2005)
Trackers (Palestine/Israel, 2005)
Catastrophe, Refuge in Frost (International, 2002–05)
Goter (Al-Naqab, Palestine, 2002–03)
Five Senses (Acre, Palestine, 2002)
Kyoto (Kyoto, Japan, 2002)
Positioning (International, 2002)
Peace and Love (Palestine, 2000)
Self Portrait (Palestine, 2000)
('Arab al-N'aim, Palestine, 1999–2000)
Voyage in Mt. Tabor
(Mt. Tabor, Palestine, 1998)
Wadi Saleib in Nine Volumes
(Haifa, Palestine, 1996–98)
Horse Race in Jericho (Jericho, Palestine, 1997)
Interrupted River (Haifa, Palestine, 1996)